Wests Tigers 2DC1604

$49.95 USD
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Collections: Wests Tigers


  • 100% Polyester / Fast drying.
  • Guaranteed Fun, Excitement and Laughter!
  • 100% Color Changing.
  • Outstanding quality and fashionable fit.

The swimshorts responds to temperature changes. So, these color changing swim trunks need warmth and cold to show what they can do. When you’re wearing these swimshorts, they’re (usually) warm due to your body heat and the warmth of the sun.

To make your swimshorts change color, get cool! That means splash, jump or dive into the water and watch what happens.

These swimshorts don't change color because of the moisture, it’s the temperature of the water. As the swim trunks start to dry out and warm up, the first color is revealed again.